Fermented Honey Garlic
- 1 head Garlic, peeled and separated
- Raw Honey
- Cover garlic cloves in honey, making sure there is enough to cover the cloves. Let the lid lay loosley on top. (give or take 1/3 garlic to 3/4 honey)
- Daily, Tighten the jar lid and turn the jar upside down so that the cloves are covered in honey. Once they are covered, turn the jar back over and make sure you untight the lid.
- After several days, you will start to see the results of fermentation. The honey will begin to bubble. This is a result of the fermentation process!
- After 3-4 weeks, you have fermented garlic honey! Garlic can remain in the honey but may turn blue or green. Nothing weird, just a chemical reaction from the fermentation process.
- Store at room temperature, out of direct light.
- As garlic ferments, bubbles will want to escape the lid and honey may overspill.