Family Fun & Crafts

101 Garden related tasks and activities that kids can do

101 Garden related tasks and activities that kids can do

In June, I had the pleasure of leading a week long day camp around gardening and homesteading with elementary aged kids. It was a delight to see their minds connecting the dots with where their food came from, how it was raised and the care and attention it needed. We started with a rhythm of…

how to cultivate new hobbies and essential skills

how to cultivate new hobbies and essential skills

Unusual resources from the internet, to help you cultivate a new skill. Some of the mentioned resources below, I’ve utilize or referenced, bookmarked for later, or am actively working on. I hope you enjoy this list! Don’t forgot to check out my instagram for more weekly inspiration. (Affiliate Disclosure) 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12  and to make…

Simple Beeswax Candles

Simple Beeswax Candles

(Affiliate disclosure) Beeswax is a natural by-product of the honey bees. It’s an amazing preserver and essential ingredient in honey bee hives. It offers stabilization of the honeycomb and essential structures. When honey is extracted from the honeycomb by the beekeeper, the wax is left. It’s typically filtered and put into blocks or pellets to…

Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments

Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments

Fill your home with the scent of cinnamon applesauce ornaments! These are a favorite Christmas time craft here on the homestead. These make a great personalized touch to gift tags, garland or on their own on your Christmas tree.